ARROGANCE, NERDRAGE, TL;DR POSTS, ETC & occasional helpfulness!
Published on August 25, 2008 By innociv In Demigod Ideas

   And a big button near the bottom to click on to select our hero.
   And E, R, or F hotkey to select our hero by default, and a button nearby to select all units(for generals) and possibly one to select all units by unit type(cycling).
   Anddd Double tap attack key to hit the closest enemy.

   1-5 for first 5 skills.  shift+1-5 for the other 5.(There is 10, right?)  This would annoy some people, but for me when my fingers are on WASD and hand on mouse reaching for 6-0 is too far away.  At least need to be able to rebind to this with maybe 1-0 as default..  Or maybe have it default the way I said and make people realize my genius!

   Those are the important ones i can think of.

   Not sure if you turn around instantly or not.. if you do i'd have other hotkeys to suggest, like double-tap D to turn around while just pressing D to walk backwards(quicker that way then to move backwards).   I'm guessing it's all probably instant so you wouldn't need to walk backwards for any reason I can think of.

I'm not suggesting to remove click-to-move.  I'm suggesting to add W-A-S-D.
Despite saying that half a dozen times in replies, people still haven't gotten it.  So maybe big letters here will help.

Comments (Page 4)
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on Aug 26, 2008
Well most RTS games the netcode is just telling all the players what orders people give, not updating every unit. (IE, player _ ordered units _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to move to _) If i'm not mistaken, that is.
Maybe supcom is different. IF it is then it'd seem even easier to make WASD work well..

I could be wrong here.

Regardless, Demigod needs WASD controls for the Demigods as an option.
on Aug 26, 2008
So I give an order to a unit, what path does it take? When it shoots what random number angle did it shoot at? who does it shoot by default? Granted many things SHOULD come out the same when calculated with same code but they don't always do.

And if it was this way... why have a half second delay? Why if one computer is slow should they all slow down? Why if one computer has a bad internet does everyone slow down?

Now granted I've never written a commercial RTS engine (I have written one though), but I'm pretty sure thats how they do it.

(Now in client-server schemes, the client sends commands, and the server sends a ton of information about everything (the way all your enemies eyes are facing, their position ect. ect.) for those of you who are interested, and this is my major experience with commercial engines)
on Aug 26, 2008
Games don't have unknown variables like real life does.

In a game you can tell a unit to move from point A to point B in one similation and it'll do the same thing every time.

There is no random little pebble on the ground you can't account for like real life.
on Aug 27, 2008
Regardless, Demigod needs WASD controls for the Demigods as an option.

I still find it incredible that you insist this while simultaneously knowing almost nothing about the game.
on Aug 27, 2008
Recode the whole game so WASD is possible for all i care, if it isn't. =]
on Aug 27, 2008
In sup com there are random elements, firing randomness for example.
on Aug 27, 2008
Recode the whole game so WASD is possible for all i care, if it isn't. =]

You're not being realistic. The technical reasons that have been listed almost surely guarantee that there will NOT be wasd control in the game. Re-writing the engine so that we can use WASD control would be a huge waste of time and money in comparison to working on the rest of the game. It's likely that click to move will work quite well and wasd, while preferred by some, will not be included due to this. Like I've said before: I'm not against other control schemes being included, but I don't agree that the game absolutely must have wasd to be a good game.

Seriously, you're becoming the DeadMG of this forum.
on Aug 27, 2008
I don't see these technical limitations... its one nibble of information! (granted that the whole moving thing might be a little difficult but the actual is it pressed and what not is only one nibble!)

Stop using technical as an excuse why not to have it... not saying I'm supporting it but come up with better reasons.. jeez.
on Aug 27, 2008
They're not going to include wasd if it's going to work like crap. It's not one piece of information.
on Aug 27, 2008
Jee i was exagerating.

But seeing as how korean MMO's use a similar movement method to RTS games, and they are able to add it, I don't see why they couldn't.

They tend to do it by basically giving a click-to-move order up, down, left, or right, AFAIK.

This is not John Carmack stuff here.
on Aug 27, 2008
Think about how simple it would be to implement arrow keys RapierX granted theres some header to this but:

A nibble one bit for each key on or off, I don't know how the architecture is set up but thats insanely small net wise.

If it's a command hell thats small too. In a 32 person tf2 game how many commands do you think there are a second?

Now actual in game coding here? that might be more difficult, but I'm sure the boys (and girls) at gpg can figure it out, they're smart and have degrees and stuff. So please:


The only ones who really know the technical limitations are the devs, so until they come and post that its impossible stop using technical limitations, it's technically possible, and probably rather easy!
on Aug 27, 2008

I don't see these technical limitations... its one nibble of information! (granted that the whole moving thing might be a little difficult but the actual is it pressed and what not is only one nibble!)Stop using technical as an excuse why not to have it... not saying I'm supporting it but come up with better reasons.. jeez.

How do you even know WASD will suit the gameplay? You and innociv are making some pretty huge assumptions here.

on Aug 27, 2008

AZ is right.


You are making your assumptions and the other party is making its own assumptions.


Pointless fight until we experience the gameplay.

on Aug 27, 2008

We'd all be better off if we just had the Beta now, so we wouldn't have to argue over pointless speculation

on Aug 27, 2008

I Never said it would Improve game play or not, I'm neutral on the subject, I just want people to stop using silly and stupid technical reasons as opposed to gameplay reasons.

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