ARROGANCE, NERDRAGE, TL;DR POSTS, ETC & occasional helpfulness!
Published on August 25, 2008 By innociv In Demigod Ideas

   And a big button near the bottom to click on to select our hero.
   And E, R, or F hotkey to select our hero by default, and a button nearby to select all units(for generals) and possibly one to select all units by unit type(cycling).
   Anddd Double tap attack key to hit the closest enemy.

   1-5 for first 5 skills.  shift+1-5 for the other 5.(There is 10, right?)  This would annoy some people, but for me when my fingers are on WASD and hand on mouse reaching for 6-0 is too far away.  At least need to be able to rebind to this with maybe 1-0 as default..  Or maybe have it default the way I said and make people realize my genius!

   Those are the important ones i can think of.

   Not sure if you turn around instantly or not.. if you do i'd have other hotkeys to suggest, like double-tap D to turn around while just pressing D to walk backwards(quicker that way then to move backwards).   I'm guessing it's all probably instant so you wouldn't need to walk backwards for any reason I can think of.

I'm not suggesting to remove click-to-move.  I'm suggesting to add W-A-S-D.
Despite saying that half a dozen times in replies, people still haven't gotten it.  So maybe big letters here will help.

Comments (Page 5)
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on Aug 27, 2008

I have played competitively without learning a single hot key before and using my mouse exclusively. I was never a big fan of hot keys. I only used hot keys for setting a path for my scouts to follow.

on Aug 27, 2008

How do you even know WASD will suit the gameplay? You and innociv are making some pretty huge assumptions here.

There game is like 6 months away from being released.  This is beta.  Plenty of time to tweak it so it works well with WASD and click-to-move like GW does.

Games that use WASD simply play better. :/


This is supposed to be a real beta where people give feedback to improve the game, NOT a demo.

on Aug 27, 2008

This is supposed to be a real beta where people give feedback to improve the game, NOT a demo.

You can't give feedback on the game yet, because YOU HAVEN'T SEEN IT.

In a week and a half or so, call for WASD all you want, if it's not present. Shut up until you actually know it'll fit.

on Aug 27, 2008


on Aug 27, 2008

pre-beta angsts

on Aug 28, 2008

It's true. I'm sick and tired of all the feedback showing up now.

It was acceptable a month ago, when Tyo was telling us how wrong we were about everything and there were about a half zillion fewer people posting inanities. Now it's beginning to grate on the nerves--close your mouths, enjoy the late August weather, and wait at least until the game's been shown at PAX. At least then you can attempt to sound like you know what you're talking about.

And get off my lawn, too!

on Aug 28, 2008

*Jumps off the lawn*

on Aug 28, 2008

yes wasd improves combat contole with a locked camra angle but it removes the strategic pow  (point of view ) and removes the rts gene because you wont be able to focus on more then one spot at a time mainly your char, blacking out the entire battlefield. while mouse action gives you the advantegs of moving while analysing the entire battlefield.


on Aug 28, 2008

yes wasd improves combat contole with a locked camra angle but it removes the strategic pow  (point of view ) and removes the rts gene because you wont be able to focus on more then one spot at a time mainly your char, blacking out the entire battlefield. while mouse action gives you the advantegs of moving while analysing the entire battlefield.

You don't need a behind-view camera lock for WASD.

The WASD movement can be based off screen orientation.

on Aug 28, 2008

To be fair, Mythos did (/sadfrown) WASD movement from a topdown view fairly well.

I remain solidly in the wait-and-see camp for WASD and Demigod.

on Aug 28, 2008

I remain solidly in the well-put-it-in-and-see-how-it-works-if-it-doesn't-don't-use-it camp.

on Aug 28, 2008


Games that use WASD simply play better. :/

Wrong. No, I'm not going to argue, I'm fine this way.

on Aug 28, 2008

Your opinion.


I'm not suggesting to remove click-to-movie.

Legerdemain made a good point with Mythos WASD.  Though Mythos isn't unique, other roguelikes have used WASD in the same way.

on Aug 28, 2008

Perhaps, since the way the game works by default anyways(i.e units face where they want to go and then move), left and right (A and D for you wasd crazies) turn, and forward (again W for the arrow impaired)  do move forward. Back (or S for the people who don't understand symbols and words) wouldn't do anything as I don't see minitours running backward... maybe taping it does a 180 as quickly as possible?

on Aug 28, 2008

Being able to strafe and move backwards is awesome.

Like in World in Conflict you do shift+n(iirc) to have your units move backwards.  This is beneficial because most vehicles have better frontal armor.

This could be beneficial in Demigod if you have to face someone to use ranged attacks(likely) and/or if you have to face someone to use spells on them(almost likely at least in many cases).

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