ARROGANCE, NERDRAGE, TL;DR POSTS, ETC & occasional helpfulness!
Published on August 25, 2008 By innociv In Demigod Ideas

   And a big button near the bottom to click on to select our hero.
   And E, R, or F hotkey to select our hero by default, and a button nearby to select all units(for generals) and possibly one to select all units by unit type(cycling).
   Anddd Double tap attack key to hit the closest enemy.

   1-5 for first 5 skills.  shift+1-5 for the other 5.(There is 10, right?)  This would annoy some people, but for me when my fingers are on WASD and hand on mouse reaching for 6-0 is too far away.  At least need to be able to rebind to this with maybe 1-0 as default..  Or maybe have it default the way I said and make people realize my genius!

   Those are the important ones i can think of.

   Not sure if you turn around instantly or not.. if you do i'd have other hotkeys to suggest, like double-tap D to turn around while just pressing D to walk backwards(quicker that way then to move backwards).   I'm guessing it's all probably instant so you wouldn't need to walk backwards for any reason I can think of.

I'm not suggesting to remove click-to-move.  I'm suggesting to add W-A-S-D.
Despite saying that half a dozen times in replies, people still haven't gotten it.  So maybe big letters here will help.

Comments (Page 6)
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on Aug 29, 2008

Yes but if demigods are not animated to do either of those thigs then thats a massive amount of work, also it changes basic movememt gameplay balence, and finally how do people with the click to move do those things?

on Aug 29, 2008

And I want support for my gamepad. Actually, I want to ble able to play co-op with a friend on spli screen.


Add support for my joystick too because I want to dive in with Regulus after I repair his wings.


Please, wait for the freackin' beta. We will then see what type of controls suit the game better. Let me remind that Mythos had different cameras for the different movement types.

on Sep 03, 2008

First everyone has their own personal opinion and playing style.  So for WASD lovers they want it, for WASD dislikers they want the point in click. 

It's like trying to convince a democrat or republican that the other party is better, it isn't going to happen no matter how right you may be.


My .002 cents is that I agree with innociv that WASD is a very good way to control characters.  I have played a lot of WiC, RPG's, and RTS's and frankly I like the idea of being able to control the movement of my main character with the WASD keys with hotkeys to select any units under my control and point and clicking commands for them and then being able to go back to my main character.

Frankly I am going to be microing (and priority is to) my hero and then any other units.  In fact as far as I am concerned any other units I control are simply another ability of my Hero and should be mapped to a hotkey or number bind for me to select and then provide instructions to then return to my Hero.


I know point and clicking has its place, but so does WASD and I think innociv has a great idea here.  If you don't like it don't use it.

on Sep 03, 2008

Yeah that's how I feel about it.

There are SOME games where WASD just doesn't work.  However I feel that if you can dance around with click-to-move, then not adding WASD because it makes it easier to dance is a bad reason.



Tyo said on the GPG forum:

WASD's a great idea. But not for Demigod. It would completely change the game. For example, it'd introduce "dancing" in PVP, which is contrary to the way the game is intended to be played.

Generally speaking, I was massively in favor of WASD for Space Siege, but it wouldn't work with the design of Demigod. Now, I could see doing a Demigod-like game with WASD...

The question is, will WASD introduce dancing?  Or will it be there anyways and people will just end up miss-clicking when trying to attack someone after they moved their cursor behind them?  If it's a yes to that, i think there should be WASD...  Personally, I don't see why dancing is bad.  I like dancing and positioning easily.  I think GuildWars had the perfect combat/movement engine for an auto-attack game.

I mean.. Who removes click clickl click shift click shift click click shift click shift click in Diablo2, especially with a Bowzon?



Either way, I'm more concerned with Demigods having cool skills and good variance with the teamplay and builds.  I don't really care about WASD if Demigod is good in those areas.  I don't care about WASD if it really truely doesn't fit the gameplay.

on Sep 04, 2008

why not a mix of WASD and mouse clicking?

Like titan quest, WASD to move more fluidly and mouse to click your spells.

on Sep 04, 2008

That's too complicated!


on Sep 04, 2008

why not a mix of WASD and mouse clicking?Like titan quest, WASD to move more fluidly and mouse to click your spells.USE BOTH HANDS. 

um.. wasn't that the idea?..

on Sep 06, 2008

Well, what kind of WASD are you talking about here,

WASD where A and D rotate the hero? or

WASD where each button (or combination, as in WA) moves the hero in a cardinal direction?

I think it would be good gameplay wise to have the second option, but I'm not sure if:

1. The engine can handle it.

2. You can mentally process the "moving hero" WASD, the "clicking on stuff" mouse, and the "zooming in and out" mouse at the same time. That seems somewhat hard. That's not an argument against WASD, just an observation of how players react. How many people would/could use the WASD controls if they were implemented?

on Sep 06, 2008

WASD where each button (or combination, as in WA) moves the hero in a cardinal direction?

This would require mouselook or a barf bag in my opinion. It would be very hard to use and quite annoying.

on Sep 06, 2008

I was about to add this thread, but since it is already here, I'll chime in...

Basically, the question I see is, does an RTS or an RPG control scheme better suit this game?  The game designers come from an RTS background, and it is at least loosely based on DotA, which comes from an RTS, so I can see why the RTS control scheme is used.  However, that is ideal for controlling armies; no RPG would use that system when it is basically a single character you are contolling.  To me it feels unecessarily awkward for controlling a single character.

An RPG scheme would go like this: WASD to control character movement which the camera follows.  Right mouse button + mouse rotate points him in the direction you want to go.  Left mouse button + rotate alters which direction the camera is looking at him.  WoW has a nice option where right + left mouse buttons have the character run forward, and you then don't really need the WASD except you still need "A" to back up.  Tab would cycle through the potential list of creeps you are going to waste, and then the rest of the keys can be hot-keyed as one pleases.

The RPG scheme seems to me better suited for this kind of single-character focused gameplay.

I agree with the spirit of the OP not to remove the current system.  Heck, even in WoW you have the option to use the point and click move system if you want but I doubt anybody does.  BUT, I think it's safe to say the more control custumizability the better, since no good comes form forcing people to play with control systems they don't like.

on Sep 06, 2008

I actually after playing it thing click to move is fine. But I want WASD for camera panning, and there NEEDS to be left-click to "target lock" and hitting space to attack who you have targeted.


I wouldn't dislike WASD movement being included though with it based on screen orientation.  I think it's good to have options.

on Sep 06, 2008


WASD wouldn't work >< 

on Sep 06, 2008

Why would Demigod's engine be designed the same exact way as an RTS engine? It's not an RTS!

Considering that it's based on the SupCom engine, I don't think it's unreasonable to expect a few similarities.

Hotkeys for that other stuff would certainly be nice, and I think I'd be very surprised if that didn't appear in future releases.

On the other hand, I'm honestly can't picture a WASD implementation benefitting me in this particular game. The assassins simply can't move and attack at the same time, negating the advantage of being able to order both moves and attacks simultaneously. Yes, you might potentially shave a few tenths of a second from the time needed to alternate between attacking and moving clicks, but even the ranged attacks don't really shoot that far away, making the distance your cursor needs to cover fairly minimal. I play with a mouse dpi of ~1600 (which isn't that unreasonable), and aiming the cursor for a "move away" click or a "attack" click is rarely more than a twitch's difference on the mouse. Frankly, by the time the Demigod animations have begun executing my latest command, my cursor is often already halfway to my next click.

Edit: Damn this forum's slow refreshing. You were referring to WASD for scrolling? Entirely different. If it's included, all they need to do is map it to the arrow keys by default. A little key remapping, and you've got the WASD controls you want.

on Sep 06, 2008

Well if they add left-click-target-locking and space to attack locked-target, then i wouldnt' see hardly any benefit to WASD, and would rather use WASD to pan.

on Sep 13, 2008

Thinking about it, I agree that the WASD *option* is preferable.  I also see the problems:

(1) It would affect bandwidth to some degree; there would be a little more burden on the connection with WASD.  (2) It would also be the size of the replay files if input were added continuously.  Both of these can be overcome, and shouldn't be considered an absolute barrier to a trial of WASD.  (3) More problematic though is that I don't recall any backward motion or sideways motion animations in the game.  This would have to be added if WASD were part of the game's formal design.

So, at the end of the day, I'm not holding my breath for it.  I'd rather the game comes out sooner with point-and-click than be delayed with WASD, if that delay would be more than a couple weeks.

Just let me hotkey camera direction to the right mouse button rather than the space bar and I'm good to go.


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