ARROGANCE, NERDRAGE, TL;DR POSTS, ETC & occasional helpfulness!

How many words do I need to have this in Demigod, and it not have any silly recipes?

Picture = thousand words.


  1. You click on the blacksmith menu. You inventory comes up like at the shops.  You drag the item you want to upgrade to the first slot, which would show what you have upgraded and what you can upgrade.  In this case..  Strengthening Boots at "level 1".
  2. Color codes for common values to make comparisons easy.
    These numbers would change to reflect upgrades. (so it'd go from +15% to +25% to +40% increased attack speed with both attack speed upgrades.)
  3. Upgrades you can do are in gold with a glowing line leading to them.
  4. Upgrades you can't do are redded out.
  5. When you roll over it'd show the bonus for the upgrade and it's cost.  Or it could just always show them sort of like how I have it..
  6. The paths show the prerequisites for the upgrade.


There should be a max of like "3 points" or whatever to use for upgrades, PER ITEM.  So.. you can only reach 1 of the final paths.  At least that's what I think.. otherwise the prices would need to go up after each point you spend, or something..


If an item has more than 2 stats then the different ones would be grouped together in either path.
If an item only has 1 stat then one path would upgrade that, the other would add a new one.(or just all items should have a minimum of 2 stats.)


Another good point about this is that it'd reduce clutter in the shop. About 40% or so of the items in the shop are basically slight variation sof each other, or upgrades of each other.  It would stream line things a lot. =]   More accesibility = great.



Rolling over Items would bring up something like this:

  1. The up arrows and number shows which upgrade path each stat is on(if there was 3 stats, then 1 of them would be by ^1, the 2 others would have ^2 by them.).
    In this way you can tell which stats get upgraded by each branch BEFORE you by them.
    I think after using the blacksmith once this would become very very simple.  New players migth ask "what's the arrow by stats for?" to have people say "put it in blacksmith/upgrade thing" and it becomes easily understandable, at least I think!
  2. The Upgrade path # at the bottom shows what extra stats the item gets depending on what path you take. 
    #1 would be doing both lvls up upgrade1.
    #2 would be doing 1 lvl of each.
    #3 would be doing both lvls up upgrade2.
    I think this is also instantly understandable once you use the upgrading for the first time.
  3. I moved the $ amount by the name to condense it some.

Comments (Page 7)
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on Sep 15, 2008


There are a lot of rabid DotA fanboys that have been posting though that think everything DotA has done is perfect.

on Sep 15, 2008


There are a lot of rabid DotA fanboys that have been posting though that think everything DotA has done is perfect.


I'm a big DotA fan, and I think that a lot of things in DotA should be in Demigod simply because they add too much to gameplay and fun to leave out, but that doesn't mean it's perfect. I really like your idea because it gets the basic functionality of the item recipe system in dota (smaller items upgradeable into bigger ones in progressive parts) without the difficulty inherent in DotA's system.


But yeah, I agree that things should only be added from DotA if they are actually the best way to do whatever it's supposed to do.

on Sep 17, 2008

TADA I'm back!

I don't know if anyone else has mentioned it but the receipe scrolls in DOTA suck, the only reason they were done that way is because it was a MOD of another game and that was the easiest way to upgrade items without needing to mess with the game's code or write a new upgrading interface.

Not really I could make an upgrade system similar to inocivs in warcraft 3 in minutes (with one item at least) they did it that way because they wanted it that way.

on Sep 17, 2008

Well not really minutes.


It would take a much larger database of items in dota to do this than recipes.. many times larger.  It'd make the file size way bigger I'm quite sure and might slow down the game.


For every possible +stat or bonus to the item in WC3 you have to create a whole new item to go in the list of them.


Recipes are much simpler to mod in in wc3.
"If have
this, this, this,
then make

on Sep 17, 2008

Here I'll make it right now, and it's not really that much 'simpler'.

As what you posted is not how you code it, have you ever coded a recipe system in wc3, a good one (ala DotA) , not a crap ass one I mean?

on Sep 17, 2008

no i haven't but i've looked around and i'm pretty sure how that works..


with combines you're taking 3 items or whatever to make one, just need 1 extra item in the database.

to do like in this thread.. you'd need to make 8 items in the database for every one unless i'm very wrong.   I'm no expert on wc3's modding

on Sep 17, 2008

Its not too diffrent, maybe space wise its an extra 50 kb for a game with like 50 items (i.e. each item has diffrent upgrade paths).

But I meant its not as simple as if you have 'this this and this' because wc3 dosn't know how to check if you have 'this' on a unit. It can only check if a slot has this so it can get very complex to write because you have to check evrey slot then compare, blah blah. The upgrading system is actually easier:

Warcraft 3 map I made base don this idea. To use place in the maps folder of your warcraft 3 directery and remove the .zip admentment IT IS NOT A .ZIP FILE! remove the higlighted part: to run correctly.

Very simple:

Buy the item (has discriptions of the two paths)

Put in black smith (adds 2 buttons for each path)

Click path (removes gold, buttons, changes item, and drops it)

Pick up new item!


on Sep 20, 2008

Original poster has great idea /signed

on Sep 20, 2008

I agree that the item upgrade path is very intuitive and should be implemented.

on Sep 21, 2008

The recipe system got the + that it adds another depth to items, the buildup.


but that is not neccessarily the best solution, and it´s a new factor tobalance, so I like the 3 path-solution, too.


about 5 boots: Why not check the inventory, if you got boots already? If you got, you can call the other 4 boots "Boot enhancement" or something more creative :/ .


That´d make some new icons needed, though (24*4, any1 ?).

on Apr 24, 2009

Something like this would be pretty good, bit of work to sort the items and balance out - but that is the same with adding new items anyway.


I like the paths as opposed to the annoying DOTA recipe system.

on Apr 24, 2009

That's a really awesome idea. PLEASE, Brad. NO item-merging. EVER! How can a pair of knives, some boots and a mask ever become a flaming axe?

on Apr 24, 2009

This is certainly beginning to look better than the current way items are done.  Most of them are pretty junky or repetitive.

on Apr 24, 2009

haha, no one's posted in here for half a year! This is a good idea though, and needed a bump.

on Apr 24, 2009

This is certainly beginning to look better than the current way items are done.  Most of them are pretty junky or repetitive.

Yes there are many redundant items.

Like You could have 2 armor items with upgrades do more than replace the current 9(?) armors.

Like the +400 hp +5hps armor could be upgraded to be either like nimoth or helburg of life, then nimoth could be upgraded to be like godplate, or helburg like something else.


It would actually make balancing easier because of the requirements to get bigger better things.

If this was implemented they'd be doing away with many of the equipments.  Adding upgrades to the current number of items wouldn't be balanced right and would be too many.

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