ARROGANCE, NERDRAGE, TL;DR POSTS, ETC & occasional helpfulness!

How many words do I need to have this in Demigod, and it not have any silly recipes?

Picture = thousand words.


  1. You click on the blacksmith menu. You inventory comes up like at the shops.  You drag the item you want to upgrade to the first slot, which would show what you have upgraded and what you can upgrade.  In this case..  Strengthening Boots at "level 1".
  2. Color codes for common values to make comparisons easy.
    These numbers would change to reflect upgrades. (so it'd go from +15% to +25% to +40% increased attack speed with both attack speed upgrades.)
  3. Upgrades you can do are in gold with a glowing line leading to them.
  4. Upgrades you can't do are redded out.
  5. When you roll over it'd show the bonus for the upgrade and it's cost.  Or it could just always show them sort of like how I have it..
  6. The paths show the prerequisites for the upgrade.


There should be a max of like "3 points" or whatever to use for upgrades, PER ITEM.  So.. you can only reach 1 of the final paths.  At least that's what I think.. otherwise the prices would need to go up after each point you spend, or something..


If an item has more than 2 stats then the different ones would be grouped together in either path.
If an item only has 1 stat then one path would upgrade that, the other would add a new one.(or just all items should have a minimum of 2 stats.)


Another good point about this is that it'd reduce clutter in the shop. About 40% or so of the items in the shop are basically slight variation sof each other, or upgrades of each other.  It would stream line things a lot. =]   More accesibility = great.



Rolling over Items would bring up something like this:

  1. The up arrows and number shows which upgrade path each stat is on(if there was 3 stats, then 1 of them would be by ^1, the 2 others would have ^2 by them.).
    In this way you can tell which stats get upgraded by each branch BEFORE you by them.
    I think after using the blacksmith once this would become very very simple.  New players migth ask "what's the arrow by stats for?" to have people say "put it in blacksmith/upgrade thing" and it becomes easily understandable, at least I think!
  2. The Upgrade path # at the bottom shows what extra stats the item gets depending on what path you take. 
    #1 would be doing both lvls up upgrade1.
    #2 would be doing 1 lvl of each.
    #3 would be doing both lvls up upgrade2.
    I think this is also instantly understandable once you use the upgrading for the first time.
  3. I moved the $ amount by the name to condense it some.

Comments (Page 5)
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on Sep 08, 2008

Stats like cooldowns, run speed and attack speed don't need to stack linearly.  I could be more like 1/(1+%) that way an increase of 100% would only cut cooldowns in half and 200% to 1/3.  It would create diminishing returns on that stat and prevent you from getting it to near 0.

on Sep 08, 2008

25%+25% is actually 43% not 50%.


It does 25%, so 10 becomes 7.5, then 25% of 7.5 which is 5.625

20%+15% would be to going to  6.8. 32% not 35%

on Sep 08, 2008

Yes, i know that little about maths

And..doh.. i forgot about the "no double items"-Rule. Well.. then i'd could be ok, still 2 reducing items are to strong.

5.6 Cd for a 5 Cd stun is OP, i think we dont have to discuss about that. But that would be another topic about how pewpew Rook is

Stacking is ok, just make the items with strong abilities unique, so only one exist => no stacking of good items.. tata!


So long, Aspartem

on Sep 08, 2008

This post is gold, and is way, way better than item recipes (while still accomplishing the same thing of having items you buy early in the game "scale" as you level).

on Sep 08, 2008

I approve of this idea.

on Sep 08, 2008

Yes, i know that little about maths
And..doh.. i forgot about the "no double items"-Rule. Well.. then i'd could be ok, still 2 reducing items are to strong.
5.6 Cd for a 5 Cd stun is OP, i think we dont have to discuss about that. But that would be another topic about how pewpew Rook is
Stacking is ok, just make the items with strong abilities unique, so only one exist => no stacking of good items.. tata!
So long, Aspartem

This is a problem with the skills cooldown and it's stun, not the items really.


But yes, 2 -25% items is too much.  I think it should be a -15% and a -20%.


This build isn't about balance.

on Sep 08, 2008

This plan is win.  I think the system is very easy to understand, and at the same time allows for a huge amount of gameplay diversity.

I'm not sure what to think about having two boots on at the same time.  I guess, as long as they are different boots and not the exact same thing, it shouldn't be a big problem.  They already plan to turn the "shopping mall" by your stronghold into one building, and after this the differences between boots and rings will become less noticable.

This plan also goes toward having the same Demigod play different ways.  Using items, you could either have a Rook tank people while dealing tons of damage per hit, or turn him into an unusually fast walking castle that charges people and hammer-slams them.  You could have a hit-and-run Regulus that moves quickly and has a high HP regen, or you could build him up to hold ground with a rapid fire crossbow and a cooldown reduction for Angelic Fury.  This hypothetical diversity is gained entirely from items, while using just the skills we have right now.

on Sep 08, 2008

Not having 2 of the exact same item is already in.


The reason i'm against making it so you can only have one pair of boots period is that it doesn't allow for enough choice.  What if I don't like any of the helms?(as a regulas, i don't!) or any of the rings?(also, usually don't.)  Maybe my build requires 3 boots and 2 breastplates!


If that's done it'd have to be made so every item is changed into some crystal thing that you socket or enchant into your items, like i mentioned above..  So you could still have access to all the same items

on Sep 08, 2008

I'll have to agree with inno's last post that you should be able to select your 5 items through any combination of the shops.  Anyways with the stacking thing it would be best if 25% aspd + 25% aspd = 50% aspd.  The math would be easier and simpler to understand.  Just balance items so they can stack that way. -25% cooldown on two items is too much so simply lower them both by 10% or something.

on Sep 08, 2008

I'll have to agree with inno's last post that you should be able to select your 5 items through any combination of the shops.  Anyways with the stacking thing it would be best if 25% aspd + 25% aspd = 50% aspd.  The math would be easier and simpler to understand.  Just balance items so they can stack that way. -25% cooldown on two items is too much so simply lower them both by 10% or something.

Does anyone know how it works right now?  Do they simply add the percents and take it off the base value, or do they take one and then the other?  If they take one and then the other, if you have one that's larger, which one is taken first?  (I think simply adding them eases the confusion, I'm just curious how it works right now.)

Abraham's Helm, or whatever its called, is rather cheap.  However, iirc, the other -25% Cooldown item is a very expensive artifact that is difficult to get.  The biggest problem that comes up as a result of these right now is stun-locking players.  They plan to nerf stuns in some way, shape, or form as the betas progress, so the main problem with a huge cooldown reduction will be gone.  Coupled with the extremely high cost of the artifact one, I don't think large decreases are really necessary.  Maybe cut down the Abraham's Helm by 5-10% while leaving the other at 25%?  If potential stun locks are removed, then I don't really see the problem with a potentially large cooldown decrease for a very high cost.  The Rook can currently hit for over 1.5k on his basic attack at high levels with expensive items.  Shouldn't the Torchbearer and other mage-type Demigods be able to spam powerful spells at high levels with expensive items?

on Sep 09, 2008

I believe +25% and =25% attack speed is 43.75% more attack speed, but i'm not 100% sure.

I think that's the right way to stack though, personally.  The numbers one at a time.

on Sep 09, 2008

Normaly its cal

I believe +25% and =25% attack speed is 43.75% more attack speed, but i'm not 100% sure.

I think that's the right way to stack though, personally.  The numbers one at a time.

Normally its calculated like that.. in any game with items i know at least. Because each item is its own instance in the calculation like: Basespeed*Item1*Item2 and so on.. That's math usally works with percents. 25% + 25% = 50% would mean they use .. dont know if its the right word on english - percentpoints (Prozentpunkte in german doh.). But thats unusual.

About Abrahams: Just make the helm more expensive, then its ok. Right now that helmet is just ridicoulus chep. Also the the effect should be reduced to 20%. I also agree, that we should be able to stack 2-3 boots and or 2-3 breatplates if we wish. If we cut that out just for "it has to be realistic"-sake, we sacrifice a lot of depth in the item-builds for each hero. Just remove alot of diversity of some Demi's.

So long, Aspartem

on Sep 09, 2008

the math would have to be basespeed *(item1+item2+item3)


er actually 2 25% IAS items is 56.25% increase I think

the +40% and +50% items are +110% attack speed, not +90%.

on Sep 09, 2008

I like this idea a lot.  Is having a tree necessary though?  Why not let people add one of each power-up at each price point?  Or are there particular cheesy combos that need to be prevented?

on Sep 09, 2008

For balancing reasons.. yes.  Plus it's simpler this way for the user.

And you'd get rid of having to sometimes choose between a path you don't really want in order to get the "bonus stat" at the end of the line.

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