ARROGANCE, NERDRAGE, TL;DR POSTS, ETC & occasional helpfulness!

How many words do I need to have this in Demigod, and it not have any silly recipes?

Picture = thousand words.


  1. You click on the blacksmith menu. You inventory comes up like at the shops.  You drag the item you want to upgrade to the first slot, which would show what you have upgraded and what you can upgrade.  In this case..  Strengthening Boots at "level 1".
  2. Color codes for common values to make comparisons easy.
    These numbers would change to reflect upgrades. (so it'd go from +15% to +25% to +40% increased attack speed with both attack speed upgrades.)
  3. Upgrades you can do are in gold with a glowing line leading to them.
  4. Upgrades you can't do are redded out.
  5. When you roll over it'd show the bonus for the upgrade and it's cost.  Or it could just always show them sort of like how I have it..
  6. The paths show the prerequisites for the upgrade.


There should be a max of like "3 points" or whatever to use for upgrades, PER ITEM.  So.. you can only reach 1 of the final paths.  At least that's what I think.. otherwise the prices would need to go up after each point you spend, or something..


If an item has more than 2 stats then the different ones would be grouped together in either path.
If an item only has 1 stat then one path would upgrade that, the other would add a new one.(or just all items should have a minimum of 2 stats.)


Another good point about this is that it'd reduce clutter in the shop. About 40% or so of the items in the shop are basically slight variation sof each other, or upgrades of each other.  It would stream line things a lot. =]   More accesibility = great.



Rolling over Items would bring up something like this:

  1. The up arrows and number shows which upgrade path each stat is on(if there was 3 stats, then 1 of them would be by ^1, the 2 others would have ^2 by them.).
    In this way you can tell which stats get upgraded by each branch BEFORE you by them.
    I think after using the blacksmith once this would become very very simple.  New players migth ask "what's the arrow by stats for?" to have people say "put it in blacksmith/upgrade thing" and it becomes easily understandable, at least I think!
  2. The Upgrade path # at the bottom shows what extra stats the item gets depending on what path you take. 
    #1 would be doing both lvls up upgrade1.
    #2 would be doing 1 lvl of each.
    #3 would be doing both lvls up upgrade2.
    I think this is also instantly understandable once you use the upgrading for the first time.
  3. I moved the $ amount by the name to condense it some.

Comments (Page 8)
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on Apr 24, 2009

I realize that this is an old thread, but it is a fantastic idea.  

on Apr 26, 2009

That's a really awesome idea. PLEASE, Brad. NO item-merging. EVER! How can a pair of knives, some boots and a mask ever become a flaming axe?


MacGyver would show you how!

on Apr 26, 2009

Also changing the in game currency from gold to dollars would be an enormous improvement.

That's a really awesome idea. PLEASE, Brad. NO item-merging. EVER! How can a pair of knives, some boots and a mask ever become a flaming axe?

Maybe it has something to do with the way my Demigod can wear 5 pairs of shoes?

on Apr 26, 2009

Rook fitting into any boots is a stretch

on Apr 26, 2009

Unless those boots are size 50000....or just some "one size fits most" he might be able to fit his fat feet into some flip flops...teehee

on Apr 26, 2009

Soo this is the first thread to reach 100+ replies in the ideas forum.  That means it gets added, yes?

on Apr 26, 2009

Really nice, OP.

on Apr 26, 2009

Also changing the in game currency from gold to dollars would be an enormous improvement.

Why dollars? These guys are fighting from all over the universe aren't they? or at least from many worlds in some quadrant of the universe. We have plenty of different currencies on just our planet. If anything, I think it should be changed to a made up currency, rather than to dollars. I don't see the problem with gold though.

EDIT: *ahem* I just noticed that the pictures in the OP have dollar signs. Oops!

on Apr 29, 2009

Very sorry, dude, but in this day and age I'd much rather have gold coins than $, £, DKK, Zlothy or whatever currency.

It's GOLD!

on Apr 29, 2009

Hmmm, very nice idea. Would definitely solve the repetitiveness of some items and make space for some new unique items, like one that gives you invisibility, for a short time, or something else besides the generic dmg/mana/hp/speed/arm type items, that plagues the game right now. I hate to make this comparison, but DOTA had far more interesting items than Demigod.

on Apr 29, 2009

I'd much prefer an activatable item that gives invisibility than an invisibility demigod.  Yes

Though, of course would need to expand on the anti-invis items.

And you're right, more unique abilities and stats besides spreadsheet stuff are needed.  Weren't my suggestions more unique though?  Like a chance to double-hit, (like double damage, but 2x chance to proc things too), and the increasing %chance effects.


Also on the $ thing.. I think it might of been like that in Beta?  Or I was lazy..

on Apr 29, 2009

This is an excellent idea.

on Apr 29, 2009

Holy shit this thread is old.  As mentioned, throughout the thread, excellent idea and far better than the current system.  It would reduce item redundancy and add to the amount of thought needed for gear loadouts.

on May 04, 2009

As many others have said, it's an excellent idea! Especially because these items would be available from your base and always on you to upgrade, it would save the time and hassle of returning, and give a losing team a fighting chance because they could upgade their weapons (as opposed to now when they have artifacts and you don't so you lose, or have 50,000 gold saved up by the time you retake the artifact shop.)

I'm in the "100 replies, therefore it has to be implemented" crowd.

on May 04, 2009

I was just replying to a thread where somone commented on dota recipies and I remembered this one.  Good to see it resurface again since its such a fantastic idea that would surely bring lots of replay to the game and hopefully quell those dota fanatics that miss their beloved combine recipes.  I love dota myself but this would surely be a better implementation in my opinion.

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