ARROGANCE, NERDRAGE, TL;DR POSTS, ETC & occasional helpfulness!

  At first I thought it could maybe work.  But more and more I'm thinking.. it's not.


  I think 4 active abilities is GOOD.  I think 4 to CHOOSE from is bad.   There should be something where you have like say, 8-10 to pick from in the skill trees, but you can only choose 4 of them and after you pick the 4 you can't unpick them and can't pick any new active skills.  They just go on your bar.
  Even only having a choice of 6 would be good.  But I don't like the choice of only 4 actives.

  I imgine it could work something like this:

  • You click the level 1 skill to put the first point in it.
  • A kinda tool-tip box comes up from it where you select which of your 4 active skill spots to assign the skill to.
  • After you've picked 4 actives, all other actives on your skill screen are disabled, you can't click to gain a level 1 of any of them.


  I thought MAYBE the active skills could have trees that drastically change how they work.. but eh no not really, still too limiting.


  Also, Active skills should have a circle icon like they currently do.  The other skills should have a box or hexagon or something so you can differentiate them at a glance.

Comments (Page 5)
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on Dec 22, 2008

Beta 2 is great. Better than I could have imagined but there are still to few skills and passive abilities. The skill tree needs to be doubled at the very least. Perhaps the typical level 15 "cap" abilities could be expanded to instead inlcude a choice of 2 or 3? Being able to have 90% of the skills at 25 shows that there really aren't enough.

on Dec 24, 2008

Have the Dev's said anything about expanding the current skill trees furthur?  4 Active skills would have been fine if there were many demigods, but since there are a few (which isn't a problem) it'd be great to see huge skill trees that have a ton of different options and builds, currently the 2-3 cookie cutter builds per demigod (some which play similiarly) is fun for now, but will not keep people entertained for long once they've tried them out.  It'd be great to incorperate a few ideas that are in this forum.  Would be great if the devs could keep us up to date on what still needs to happen in the overall game.

on Dec 24, 2008

I wouldn't except extraordinary amounts of Dev feedback right now - it's the holidays.

on Mar 19, 2009

I think we should stop comparing this game so much to mmorpg, and more to RTS.

I think it should be most compared to guildwars, magic: the gathering, and dota.  Those are the 3 closest relevancies.


  I edited my main post with how I should think it should work.
  I do not think you should be able to simply change what skills you're using mid-game.  Once you pick your 4 when the game starts, you should get locked ot them.  I basically do agree with Dalzk's points.  While I think this game needs a few more actives to pick from, so you can more build your Demigod, I don't think you should be able to flip-flop around. =]

on Mar 19, 2009

more moves are badly needed imo, so hopefully gpg/stardock realize

on Mar 19, 2009

I think there are enough items.  It's just that 30% of the items need to be completely redone, and 30% are too bad.  Only like 40% of them are useful.

on Mar 19, 2009

well items, to me, suck because you usually get same ones, even demigod to demigod i get similar 3 and maybe two that vary a bit

on Mar 19, 2009

You do realise this thread and things posted here are over 3 months old ?

on Mar 19, 2009

It's still completely relevant


Especially sice we never got seperate icon borders for active and passives.  That would of been a nice and simple feature!

on Mar 27, 2009

2 Reasons why not:

1. You could throw balancing into the toilet. Compare a MMORPG to Dota or DG right now. It's nearly impossible to get all builds of 16 Demigods on the same level. Some builds will always dominate other on a DG. The versatilty will improve far less then the complexity of the balancing issues. But with 4 it should be np. Think about it, 4 Active doesnt mean you have alot less builds. Passives are also full fletched skills and very important. Often some Auras and passives are far better than some actives.

Dota has only mere 4 skills - passives and actives - and still has enough replay value for alot players, which play the game since 4-5 years. As a mere mod. Since DG's got 8-9 skills to choose from there is alot more depth to builds, but it needs more tweaking. The fun thing of these games - right now only dota - are also the change of metagame after updates, and how to adapt to changes and/or to new DG's.

2. As i said already. There is always "The build" for a DG. Most likely because random Pro will use random DG with build X and 99% will follow this build. Or random Pro writes a guide about Demigod X - 99% will follow it.

Its nearly impossible to bring more than 2 builds on a same level. This is because you can't just do the maths of your own skills. You always have to bring them into the context of the most used builds on other DG's. Since you mostly try to counter already effective builds which are in use. This means, having more skills doesn't mean a proportional increase in fun, but definitly in more work for the designers.


on Apr 18, 2009

Yeah I mean.. GW is so imba with it's 1400 skills.  Sure about half of them are pretty useless, but nothing is really overpowered

on Apr 18, 2009

Hehehehe GW +1K skills are some of the most balanced I have ever seen. Those are updated almost constantly as people report.

I also do not think that 4 Active ability is enough because it always seem like you need a whole team to take down 1 Demigod. Altough there is variety in the builds it is just not enough. Each Demigod has like 4 ways to play them and not more. But Guild Wars for example has like +20 ways to play one type of class with the secondary one ofcourse.

on Apr 19, 2009

Yeah.  And in december and january they did an update that completely redid how more skills behave (completely new behavior, not just messing with numbers) than demigod even has.


It shouldn't be hard to add new skills.  Just making new effects.  Balancing them, sure.  But adding new skills will mess up balance anyways so best to just guess what'll work and hope for the best.  Better balance can be added later, as long as things are very overpowered.  Best to jsut start em with what would be underpowered.


I'm not syaing there needs to be 20+ ways to play each class like GW(er there is more than that ), but 3 or 4 basic builds where you'll have variations of based on how the game is playing would be nice.

on Apr 19, 2009

Personally I like it as is. Id rather them keep the focus tighter and more balanced adn instead of expanding too many abilities to the DG's just release new DG's. Then you get different builds to mess with on a different character altogether. 

As it is when I play some of the characters I do vary my builds enough as it is. I dont really care to have that many more choices. Of course thats just me and you have your opinion as well for sure.    

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