ARROGANCE, NERDRAGE, TL;DR POSTS, ETC & occasional helpfulness!
   Oh god I'm so tired of my teamates going "I'm going to rush to RA".  As soon as they say that I know it's an unfair game, it's now becoming a 3vs2, 4vs3, 5vs4, or what have you.

   It's OKAY, "pretty good" even, on maps with multiple stars, but that's it.  Even in this case it's not the end-all-be-all, it's not a requirement, Vasari isn't "the RA race."

   Also LRM spam sucks(includes illums).
   Going after planets first is stupid, gg stalling your economy.
   Carrier spam sucks.
   Heavy Cruiser spam sucks.
   Advent with high mitigation and gaurdians isn't unstoppable.

   Only reason any of these "OMG UNBEATABLE STRATEGIES" appear to work is because you're playing against newbies.
Tecs super weapon is +8 civ and trade ports.
Vasari's super weapon is ore refineries, culture(not so much as advents), phase lanes, and phase missiles.
Advents super weapon is culture, mitigation, and synergies between abilities(mainly cap ones).

   Ta-ta lovelies, enjoy your game.

Comments (Page 7)
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on Mar 06, 2008
Ok the strat is very nice. It is not uncounterable, but it is hard to counter if you know what you are going up against from the start. So it would be very hard to counter this in a course of normal gameplay on a map such as that. This is what I will admit.

So far, after much thought, I think rushing heavies would be the best counter. If you can get some heavies there early before he summons any Dark Armada, then you can take out the gates and rain havoc. Even if he scouts the heavies coming, not much he can do to stop them.

Another strat to counter this that I am trying to piece together is not working out so well. It is taking too long to build up. While it might be faster if I was testing it in 2v2 with teammate handing me resources, I will not know it at this time.
on Mar 06, 2008
yes but disciples are the fastest, you can pull them away with good micro before they die.And sorry the first "disciples" should of said defence vessals.For some reason defence vessals seem to fair far better early game than the others, while sentinels are better later game.Oh and you aren't supposed to sit them infront of the lrms.. you're supposed to circle behind them. Flaks fire 360degrees, that's another reason why they're good vs lrms. LRMS turn slow and fire forward.





All Flaks

Seekers are the fastest. They won't die as easily to LRMs as easily as Disciples because Disciples use the wrong kind of armor and Seekers don't. Get it?

And in 'late game', you get something called the heavy cruiser, so you don't need to rely on some damned flak ship to save you from the much-less-threatening LRMs.

Oh yeah, and Flaks are slower than LRMs and their acceleration is no match. You try bringing those stupid anti-fighter ships behind the LRMs and the LRMs destroy your capital ship and structures in the meantime. Flaks, on the other hand, are useless against both(as Jinx said). With a stronger attack, more speed, and much longer range, it is the LRM player's decision whether s/he wants to fight or not, and the flak player has no initiative, therefore.
on Mar 06, 2008
nm, was linking the roe site, but pesky beat me to it.
on Mar 06, 2008
Whao pesky..... disciples are the same as defense vessals?

Seriously dude, I'm not a noob.

I'm talking from what I know from practice here, not theory.
on Mar 06, 2008
Defence vessels are flak ships, and flak ships don't own LRM's straight up. It's a simple fact. Disciples aren't that great against then honestly. I'd rather grab 3 hostility temples and tech Illuminators to fend em off, but I honestly don't know whether that's actually an effecient strat to fight them off, so if I'm wrong, by all means tell me. I just think that 3 lasers (max, not hard to have them moving and firing, and then place them right in the middle of the fleet to have all 3 going) at once an about 10 of them should kill off 10 LRMs.
on Mar 06, 2008
   Oh god I'm so tired of my teamates going "I'm going to rush to RA".  As soon as they say that I know it's an unfair game, it's now becoming a 3vs2, 4vs3, 5vs4, or what have you.   It's OKAY, "pretty good" even, on maps with multiple stars, but that's it.  Even in this case it's not the end-all-be-all, it's not a requirement, Vasari isn't "the RA race."   Also LRM spam sucks(includes illums).   Going after planets first is stupid, gg stalling your economy.   Carrier spam sucks.   Heavy Cruiser spam sucks.   Advent with high mitigation and gaurdians isn't unstoppable.   Only reason any of these "OMG UNBEATABLE STRATEGIES" appear to work is because you're playing against newbies.  Tecs super weapon is +8 civ and trade ports.Vasari's super weapon is ore refineries, culture(not so much as advents), phase lanes, and phase missiles.Advents super weapon is culture, mitigation, and synergies between abilities(mainly cap ones).   Ta-ta lovelies, enjoy your game.

Would you like some cheese with your whining?
on Mar 06, 2008
Defence vessels are flak ships, and flak ships don't own LRM's straight up. It's a simple fact. Disciples aren't that great against then honestly. I'd rather grab 3 hostility temples and tech Illuminators to fend em off, but I honestly don't know whether that's actually an effecient strat to fight them off, so if I'm wrong, by all means tell me. I just think that 3 lasers (max, not hard to have them moving and firing, and then place them right in the middle of the fleet to have all 3 going) at once an about 10 of them should kill off 10 LRMs.

rofl.. illums suck against lrms.

Yeah, illums are lrm equivs, but they are anti-cap damage, their dps is split 3 ways, and they cost the most crystal.
javs own illums early game, and it takes 3 mil.

Yeah, good luck on that there, mr expert.
on Mar 06, 2008
All Flaks

So kind of prooves what i'm showing. While having basically the same DPS, defence vessals are considerably cheaper and use less supply, so you can be at the first supply with tons of defence vessals, enough to take on 2nd pop cap of lrm's. So they'll be bleeding from upkeep and you wouldn't be.
on Mar 08, 2008
lol, this thread is full of epeen, failure and ownage. Good read
on Mar 08, 2008
Everything suckcs compared to my newly found siege frig spam strat Commit to it 100% and you wont lose -guaranteed (unless your opponent executes it better )
on Mar 08, 2008
Well I figure I should add something to the conversation. The reason I think most players aren't as good as they could be, is because this game probably doesn't appeal to the starcraft-type players. And whether you'd like to admit it or not, even if this game is only remotely similar to mainstream RTS games, the same skills that players pick up playing games like SC are invaluable in any real-time strategy game.

Stuff like constant and thorough scouting, expansion, very quick & aggressive early play, target selection and general game micro. This is all stuff that is second nature to vet StarCraft (and other RTS) players that wouldn't even get a second thought in-game, but it seems to be missing from games I've been in.

Basically, I think some of the 'unbeatable' strategies posted, although very strong, are made that much stronger due to the low level of general RTS ability. Really I don't mean to sound offensive, "RTS ability" isn't really a question of how smart you are, but of how used you are to the particular fast-paced aggressive gameplay.
on Mar 08, 2008
Exactly, the common traits of a good RTS player aren't required to be good in Sins. I am by no means saying Sins is a walk in a park (quite the opposite actually), however certain traits such as aggressiveness do not pay off as much in Sins, especially with the massive maps and slower pace of the game.

on Mar 08, 2008
aggressiveness pays off
on Mar 08, 2008
I must say I'm curious as to how you think aggressive play isn't rewarded in sins. Having such a slow movement speed means that unless defenders and rapid response units are in place to begin with it's extremely hard to catch and stop someone hitting you in back. Having a slow resource rate means an early loss of a lab or upgraded colony is much harder to replace. Having a slow build speed means that if you lose your opening fleet early on, with one frigate factory and some guarded planets still left to take, you're pretty close to done. Having only the first cap ship free - rather than 'slot 1' free - means losing your cap ship in the first 10-15 minutes is pretty much an instant game ender.

On one hand we have Brad saying that the game isn't made for people who can rush in the first 5 minutes, on the other we have a game where there is no opening ceasefire and insanely effective early raiding. Very strange.
on Mar 08, 2008
He means "fast paced aggressive play" as "move the mouse fast and with precision and have a high apm". In other words, arcade skills, which are out of place in a STRATEGY game.

Thanks god this game doesn't appeal to Starcraft-type players, i say.

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